Drug dependence is not addiction and it matters PMC | ZiaBia
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12 FEBRUARY 2020

Drug dependence is not addiction and it matters PMC

In some cases, withdrawal can even cause life threatening symptoms, especially if someone is dependent on alcohol or benzodiazepines. To reiterate, the DSM-5 dropped the categories of "substance dependence" and "substance abuse," and so the claim that substance abuse disorder is the preferred term for drug addiction is inaccurate. If that history lesson sounded confusing, that's because it is, and there's no way to simplify what happened. But the biggest source of confusion concerns the word "dependence." Prior to the DSM-III, the term "dependence" simply meant physiological dependence, as indicated by tolerance and withdrawal symptoms.

  • Physical dependence on a substance (drug or alcohol) may be a component of addiction, but it does not itself equal addiction.
  • Nevertheless, the working group, in an effort to minimize controversy, is recommending the more neutral label of ‘substance use disorder’ with subcategories of ‘alcohol use disorder’, ‘heroin use disorder’, etc.
  • The most tell-tale symptom of substance addiction is compulsive, drug seeking behavior.

However, if that person began drinking heavily every day, and it adversely affected their health, relationships, and job, they have likely reached the point of alcohol abuse. Addiction encompasses both a mental and physical reliance on a given substance. Join the https://ecosoberhouse.com/ thousands of people that have called a treatment provider for rehab information. Some nuances can make it difficult to determine if someone is addicted or dependent on a substance. On the other hand, dependence refers strictly to a physical need for a substance.

Addiction vs. dependence

Utopia would be to feel normal, and this is about the best that the narcotic addict can achieve by way of drugs. In medical practice, to get a diagnosis of a substance use disorder, there first needs to be a careful diagnostic interview conducted by a mental health professional. The interviewer assesses whether there is a problematic pattern of substance use or behaviors that are causing a person distress and impairment in their functioning to the point that it's considered clinically significant. Anyone can develop a tolerance to drugs and alcohol with regular use. They can become tolerant to an illicit drug such as heroin, or to a prescription medication like Oxycontin. No matter the type, drugs and alcohol change the neurochemical make-up of a user’s brain.

addiction vs dependence vs tolerance

We know opioids, for example, can be highly addictive, and that addiction can develop quickly. They deliver a double punch — they don’t just increase the feel-good dopamine in the brain, but there’s also a need to take them consistently to avoid painful withdrawal symptoms. As a consequence, the diagnostic category of "substance dependence" stayed with us through the DSM-IV, until it was dropped addiction vs dependence in 2013 in the DSM-5, along with the diagnostic category of "substance abuse." Addiction has harmful physical, psychological, and social effects. When addicted to a substance, a person cannot stop using it despite the negative consequences it has on their life. Fortunately, Volkow and her colleagues’ argument carried the day with the American Psychiatric Association’s DSM-5 committee in 2013.

The Experience Blog

That said, for many, but not all, substances, tolerance and withdrawal are often part of the package of symptoms of a substance use disorder. The purposeful use of the term "Addictive Disorders" in the naming of this chapter was primarily due to the addition of "gambling disorder" to the DSM, a non-substance-related disorder. And here, too, among the committee members, the decision to introduce the term "addictive" into the DSM-5 was arrived at through disagreements and non-consensus. It is no secret that misinformation about addiction is rampant in popular media.

  • Connect with thousands of patients and caregivers for support and answers.
  • You are dependent if you stop taking the drug and experience withdrawal symptoms.
  • Tolerance is a physiological phenomenon where the body needs an increasing amount of a substance to achieve the same effects initially produced with smaller doses.
  • Those with a substance addiction continue to use drugs and alcohol, despite the harmful consequences, and have great difficulty stopping.

However, it’s common for physical dependence to accompany addiction. You can be addicted without being dependent and be dependent without having an addiction. If you or a loved one are struggling with mental health or substance abuse, we can help. Some people do well at home with regular doctor visits and support groups.

What is Dependence?

A clear example is a person who relies on insulin for diabetes management. They depend on insulin to maintain healthy blood sugar levels but are not addicted to it. At its core, addiction is about the psychological need for a substance. Despite negative consequences, it’s characterized by a compulsive desire to use drugs or alcohol. The key here is the loss of control and the behavioral aspects that come into play. People with an addiction often prioritize acquiring and using the substance over other important life activities and responsibilities.

  • Tolerance occurs first, and, over a period of time, this leads to more dependence.
  • When you first start drinking alcohol, it may have taken only a few drinks for you to feel drunk.
  • Tolerance is when the body’s response to a substance diminishes over time.

And it’s not just about “willpower” — addiction alters the brain’s reward and pleasure centers, making it a complex issue that transcends mere choice. Clinicians, however, pointed out that the word ‘dependence’ was already in use to mean something completely different and normal. After much discussion and debate, the word ‘dependence’ was chosen by the margin of a single vote. Tolerance, dependence, and addiction occur due to repeatedly taking substances.

When genetics, environment, and drug use overlap, addiction may occur. The difference between addiction and dependence can be difficult to understand. Some organizations have different definitions, use the words interchangeably or even abandon both terms altogether.

addiction vs dependence vs tolerance

There are people out there ready to help with what you’re going through. What these strategies are depends on the substance or behavior a person wants to stop. Addiction can involve a wide range of substances and behaviors. Unlike addiction, dependence does not necessarily involve difficulty controlling behavior. Addiction causes cravings, compulsive behavior, and changes in the brain. Yes, some medications can increase or decrease blood concentrations of other medications, which may interfere with how effective they are or how they work.

Can some drugs interact with others and increase the risk of tolerance?

It’s essential to note that a person who experiences dependence and withdrawal is not necessarily addicted to a substance. Tolerance and dependence are useful indicators of drug use, and as you may have presumed, can be precursors to addiction. When a person has a tolerance to their drug of choice, they may decide to use more and more of the drug to feel its effects. The higher the dosage, the higher likelihood of developing an addiction. A person will often become dependent on a drug before it takes over their mental and emotional state, and they become addicted.